David Bartel
2025 Nucleic Acid Therapies
RNA slicing by human AGO2
Vivek Malhotra
2025 Molecular Mechanisms and Physiology of Unconventional Secretion
The pathway of unconventional protein secretion
Rasmus Nielsen
2025 Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics
Using amcestral recombination graphs for population genetic inference
Christopher Walsh
2024 Development & 3D Modeling of the Human Brain
You contain multitudes---Somatic mutation in human cerebral cortex
Feng Zhang
2024 Neurodegenerative Diseases: Biology & Therapeutics
Exploration of biological diversity
Katie Pollard
2024 Biological Data Science
Sequence-to-activity modeling
Jennifer Lippincott Schwartz
2024 Cell & Membrane Fusion
How cell-cell fusion reshapes fundamental cellular features
Roy Duncan
The reovirus FAST proteins—A minimalist toolbox for cell-cell membrane fusion
Heng Li
2024 Computational Biology of the Genome
The assembly of a human pangenome
Kristian Helin
2024 Epigenetics & Chromatin
Roles of histone methylation in transcription and development
Larry Zipursky
2024 Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Connectivity
How cell recognition molecules regulate the assembly of the Drosophila visual system
Catherine Dulac
Molecular, neural and developmental architecture of social and sickness behavior circuits
Allan Jacobson
2024 Translational Control
NMD, translation termination, and readthrough therapy—Consequences and suppression of genetic nonsense
Anne Bertolotti
Termination of the integrated stress response—From therapeutic to molecular insights
Benjamin Neel
2024 Mechanisms & Models of Cancer
A Hypoxia-induced Inflammatory Cell Death Pathway Triggered by PTP1B Inhibition (New Surprise from an Old Friend)
Andre Nussenzweig
2024 DNA Metabolism, Genomic Stability & Human Diseases
Replication-coupled and canonical DNA double strand breaks are processed by distinct mechanisms
Jeffrey Friedman
2024 88th Symposium: Brain Body Physiology
Obesity causes and treatments-the Beginning of the End
Eric Freed
2024 Retroviruses
Uncovering the mysteries of HIV replication (or trying to)
Judy Lieberman
My journey in HIV research
Karolin Luger
2024 The PARP Family & ADP-ribosylation
The double life of PARP1
Jonathan Weissman
2024 Systems Biology: Global Regulation of Gene Expression
Epigenome editing as a tool for basic discovery and therapeutic intervention
Karen Miga
2023 Genome Informatics
Complete genomes to expand studies of genetic and epigenetic inheritance of centromeres
Sean Eddy
Computational analysis of RNA structure and function
Joseph Fetcho
2023 Zebrafish Neurobiology
What matters most about Zebrafish work (to me at least)
Lior Pachter
2023 Single Cell Analyses
The systems biology of a single cell
Kenneth Zaret
2023 Cell State Conversions
Overcoming chromatin barriers to change cell state
Marc Freeman
2023 Neurobiology of Drosophila
Neuronal remodeling in complex metazone
Ling-Ling Chen
2023 Eukaryotic mRNA Processing
Lnc-ing RNA processing and function, and beyond
Alberto Kornblihtt
Chromatin control of alternative splicing: towards a combined treatment for spinal muscular atrophy
Fyodor Urnov
2023 Genome Engineering: CRISPR Frontiers
A clinical CRISPR frontier—From mutation to edited subject in 3 months
Jaquelin Dudley
2023 Retroviruses
Simple lessons from a complex murine retrovirus
Mitchell Lazar
2023 Mechanisms of Metabolic Signaling
Nuclear receptors, circadian rhythms, and metabolic signaling—Digging deeper
Susan Kaech
Metabolic control of epigenetic states that drive CD8 T cell exhaustion and anti-tumor immunity
Erich Jarvis
2023 Biology of Genomes
Large-scale, high quality reference genome projects: a new era in biology
Ingrid Wertz
Co-opting the Ubiquitin System for Therapeutic Benefit
Dritan Agalliu
2023 Brain Barriers
Mechanisms of angiogenesis and neurovascular barrier development, breakdown and repair in the central nervous system
David Lebwohl
2023 Nucleic Acid Therapies
Initial successes with CRISPR-based in vivo genome editing for treatment of patients with severe illness
Nevin Krogan
2023 Network Biology
Using systems approaches to understand mechanisms of disease
Dana Pe'er
From networks within cells to tissue level networks
Richard Durbin
2023 Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics
Some thoughts on demographic inference using the pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent
Kathryn Roeder
Probabilistic modeling for single-cell multimodal mosaic imputation and integration
Adam Phillippy
2022 Biological Data Science
The human genome is finally finished—What's next?
Kathleen Burns
2022 Transposable Elements
A feeling for the human
2022 Epigenetics & Chromatin
Nucleosomes for all—Histone-based DNA organization in eukaryotes, archaea, viruses and bacteria
Judith Frydman
2022 Translational Control
A vicious cycle links CAG Expansions to proteostasis collapse in Huntington's Disease
Howard Chang
2022 Regulatory & Non-Coding RNAs
Genome regulation by long noncoding RNAs
Anna Cuomo
2022 The Biology of Genomes
Uncovering context-specific and dynamic genetic regulation of gene expression at single-cell resolution
Mapping information-rich genotype phenotype landscapes with perturb-seq
Andrew Jones
Alignment of spatial genomics and histology data using deep Gaussian processes
Jamie Blundell
Fitness consequences and mutation rates of mosaic chromosomal alterations in clonal hematopoiesis
Chelsea Lowther
Balanced chromosomal rearrangements offer insights into coding and noncoding genomic features associated with developmental disorders
Don Cleveland
2022 The PARP Family & ADP-ribosylation
Scrambling the genome in cancer—Chromothripsis and extrachromosomal DNA
Rob Jackson
2021 Plant Genomes, Systems Biology & Engineering
Plants, ecosystems, and the global carbon cycle
Xuemei Chen
Noncanonical RNA capping
Bruce Stillman
2021 Yeast and Life Science
Mechanism, regulation and evolution of DNA replication origin specification in eukaryotic cells
Alice Telesnitsky
2021 Retroviruses
Somewhere under the curve
Pavel Tomancak
2021 Cellular Dynamics & Models
Evolution of Morphogenesis
Magdalena Zernicka Goetz
How do we start to become ourselves?
Edith Heard
2021 The Biology of Genomes
Of genomes and epigenomes: Lessons from the inactive X chromosome
Michael Elowitz
2021 The Biology of genomes
Multicellular Circuit Design: Natural and Synthetic
Cynthia Wolberger
2021 Ubiquitins, Autophagy & Disease
From transcription to ubiquitin and back again
Daniela Witten
2021 Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics
Beyond sample splittg:valid inference after clustering
Chenghua Gu
2021 Brain Barriers
Molecular mechanisms governing the blood-brain barrier function
Susanne Foitzik
2021 Biology of Genomics & Social Insects
Evolutionary genomics of behaviour and life history strategies in Temnothorax ants
Kenji Matsuura
Genomic imprinting and social evolution in termites
Philip Dormitzer
2021 Nucleic Acid Therapies
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Stephen Michnick
2021 Network Biology
The dimensions of gene function
Panel Discussion
2020 Science, Society, and COVID-19
PANEL: Science, Society, and COVID-19
Blake Richards
Taking inspiration from the hippocampus in AI
Stephen Friend
2020 Biological Data Science
Boundaries between unknown and knowns for individual symptoms from genomics to wearables?
Sylvia Richardson
ATLASQTL & EPISPOT Two joint hierarchical approaches for detecting and interpreting hotspots in molecular QTL studies
Nicole Dubilier
2020 Microbiome
Eating your microbiome: Nutritional symbioses between hydrothermal vent mussels and chemosynthetic bacteria
Allan Spradling
2020 Germ Cells
The conserved program of germ cell formation in animals
Richard Young
2020 Epigenetics & Chromatin
Nuclear condensates in gene regulation and disease pathology
Susan Baserga
2020 Translational Control
Unbiased discovery of molecules that control nucleolar function
Mauro Costa-Mattioli
The ISR in Brain Health and Disease
2020 Genome Engineering; CRISPR Frontiers
Tribute: Rosalind Franklin at 100
Eileen White
2020 Mechanisms & Models of Cancer
Metabolic Control of Cancer Immune Tolerance
Anna Marie Skalka
2020 Retroviruses
Science advances and research adventures 60 years and counting…
Dennis Burton
Broadly neutralizing antibodies, HIV and an AIDS vaccine
Hopi Hoekstra
2020 The Biology of Genomes
A tale of tails: genetics, development and evolution
Svante Pääbo
Archaic Genomics
James Eberwine
2019 Single Cell Analysis
Single Cell Multiomics Informs Emergent Cell Biologies
Jonathan Pritchard
2019 Genome Informatics
Historically much of our intuition in genetics has come from studies of simple/single-gene traits
Tyler Jacks
2019 Biology of Cancer: Microenvironment, Metastasis
Exploring tumor progression at the resolution of single cells
Daniel Haber
Circulating tumor cells—From vascular invasion to metastatic seeding
Lalita Ramakrishnan
2019 Microbial Pathogenesis & Host Response
A zebrafish guide to susceptibility, pathogenesis and treatment
Jeremy Luban
2019 Retroviruses
The ineluctable modality of the retrovirus
Bryan Cullen
Retroviral Epitranscriptomics
Robert Waterston
2019 The Biology of Genomes
A transcriptional program for the C.elegans embryo at single cell resolution-My life with worms
Molly Przeworski
What drives the dependence of human germline mutation rates on sex, age, and time?
Clare Bryant
2019 Bacterial Infection & Host Defense
Pattern recognition receptors and the host response to Salmonella infection
Trey Ideker
2019 Network Biology
Decoding genomes using the hierarchical (network) architecture of the cell
Matthew Stephens
2018 Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics
Lessons learned—Reflections on some research projects in computational biology, where they came from, and where they went
Katherine Pollard
Population genetic models for human associated microbes
Cedric Feschotte
2018 Transposable Elements
Transposable elements as catalysts of cellular innovation
Josh Dubnau
Retrotransposon storm hypothesis of ALS—The dangers of a Collyer's genome
Blake Wiedenheft
Evolutionary outcomes of CRISPR-anti-CRISPR conflict
Eric Betzig
2018 Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Connectivity
Imaging cellular structure and dynamics from molecules to organisms
Matthew State
2018 Autism & Neurodevelopment Disorders – from Genetic Discoveries to Interventions
Lost in translation—Moving from de novo mutations to pathophysiology
Antonio Giraldez
2018 Translational Control
Elucidating the interplay between RNA sequence, structure and translation regulation during vertebrate embryogenesis
Joan Brugge
2018 Mechanisms & Models of Cancer
Oxidative Stress Defenses in Cancer
Lee Zou
2018 DNA Metabolism, Genomic Stability & Human Disease
Targeting the aberrant R-Loop accumulation in cancer cells with ATR inhibitors
P.Read Montague
2018 83rd Symposium: Brains & Behavior: Order & Disorder in the Nervous System
Connecting mind and brain in a computational age
Henrich Gottlinger
2018 Retroviruses
HIV release and infectivity—From ESCRTs to SERINCs
David Page
2018 Biology of Genomes
Sex differences in health and disease
Rudolf Jaenisch
2018 Chromatin, Epigenetics & Transcription
Stem cells and epigenetic regulation in development and disease
Justus Kebschull
2018 Neuronal Circuits
Exploiting DNA sequencing technology for high-throughput neuroanatomy
Junying Yuan
2018 Ubiquitin Family, Autophagy & Diseases
Ubiquitination regulated RIPK1 activation controls apoptosis and necroptosis
Steven Henikoff
2018 Systems Biology: Global Regulation of Gene Expression
Structural epigenomics (precision mapping of the chromatin landscape)
Geeta Narlikar
Understanding the biochemical and biophysical basis for genome organization
Insoo Hyun
2017 Development and 3D Modeling of the Human Brain
"3D models of the human brain—What are the ethical concerns and how should they be addressed?"
Svante Paabo
"Using ancient genomes and model systems to study uniquely human phenotypes"
Craig Pikaard
2017 Plant Genomes & Biotechnology: From Genes to Networks
Mechanisms of selective gene silencing
Edward Boyden
2017 Single Cell Analysis
"Optical tools for analyzing and repairing complex biological systems"
Ellen Rothenberg
"Dissection of the regulatory trajectory for early T-cell lineage commitment"
2017 Genome Informatics
“Post-procrustean bioinformatics”
Maricel Kann
“A protein-domain approach for the analysis of disease mutations”
Elaine R. Mardis
2017 Biology of Cancer: Microenvironment, Metastasis & Therapy
Michael Karin
2017 Signalling & Metabolism in Tumor Microenvironment
De novo lipogenesis induced by ER stress is essential for hepatic steatosis and its progression to NASH
Raphael Cohn
2017 Neurobiology of Drosophila
Circuit mechanisms for flexible sensorimotor processing in Drosophila
Craig Thompson
2017 Cell Death
Manipulating cell death—The discovery and preclinical development of Bcl-2 inhibitors
Stephen Hughes
2017 Retroviruses
Why study integration and reverse transcription
Andrew Clark
2017 The Biology of Genomes
Junk Evolution
2017 The Ubiquitin Family
Maintaining proteasome homeostasis
Christopher Lima
Ubiquitin-like proteins:From conjugation to recognition
Marc Vidal
2017 Systems Biology: Networks
Marian Walhout
Gene Regulatory Networks
Mingyang Lu
2016 Frontiers in Single Cell Genomics
Interrogating the robustness of gene regulatory circuits by RACIPE
Aviv Regev
2016 Axon Guidance, Synapse Formation and Regeneration
Towards a neuron cell atlas
Robert Kingston
2016 Epigenetics & Chromatin
Nucleosome compaction as a regulatory mechanism during development
Alan Rein
2016 Retroviruses
Retroviruses; Some Perspectives
Alfred Goldberg
2016 Ubiquitin Family, Autophagy & Diseases
Regulation of proteasome function in normal and disease states
Eric Shoubridge
2015 Mitochondria
Posttranscriptional regulation of mitochondrial gene expression
Frank Slack
2015 Molecular Basis of Aging and Disease
MicroRNAs in aging
2015 80th Symposium: 21st Century Genetics - Genes at Work
The Genetic Legacy of Neanderthals
Susan Ross
2015 Retroviruses
Using mouse genetics to study host-virus interactions
George Davey Smith
2015 The Biology of Genomes
Mendelian randomization:Harnessing genocopy/phenocopy to identify modifiable causes of disease
Francis Collins
From the HGP to Precision Medicine
Laurent Keller
2015 Biology of Genomics of Social Insects
The influence of genes and social environment on behavior and social organization
Arul Chinnaiyan
2015 Precision Cancer Biology and Medicine
The application of integrative sequencing for precision medicine
Judith Korb
2015 Biology & Genomics of Social Insects
Comparative transcriptomics reveals the modular organization of ant phenotypic traits
Gene Robinson
Transcriptional regulation and metabolism: key elements in the evolution and mechanisms of social life in bees
Ivan Dikic
2015 The Ubiquitin Family
Ubiquitin and Autophagy Networks
Brenda Schulman
Celebrating the ubiquitin family;diversity of cullin-RING Ubl and Ub ligation mechanisms
Marc Kirschner
2015 Cellular Dynamics & Models
How biology optimizes both specificity and efficiency—Single molecule studies of ubiquitylation
Maiken Nedergaard
2014 Blood, Brain, Barrier
The Glymphatic System
Christopher Voight
2014 Synthetic Biology
Pushing the scale of Genetic Engineering
Laurie Zoloth
Truth and consequences—Reflections on ethical issues in synthetic biology
Toshio Matsumoto
2014 Bone & Cartilage: from Development to Human Diseases
Progress and perspectives of osteoporosis treatment
David Haussler
2014 Biological Data Science
Global exchange of human genetic data for medicine and research
Fred Winston
2014 Epigenetics & Chromatin
Analysis of the role of Spt6 in controlling transcriptional accuracy in yeast
Arnold Levine
2014 Mechanisms & Models of Cancer
The evolution of thymic lymphomas in P53 knock-out mice
Gerard Evan
Targeting cancer’s engines, not its drivers
Loren Looger
2014 Glia in Health & Disease
Tools for studying neurons, the only important cells in the brain
Wolfgang Baumeister
2014 Protein Modification & Homeostasis
Unveiling the long-held secrets of the 26S proteasome
Keiichi Namba
2014 5th CSHA Symposium: Structural Biology from Atoms to Cells
CryoEM image analysis of macromolecular motor assemblies
Stephen Harrison
Membrane dynamics and virus entry—From atomic structures to single-molecule movies
Paul Bieniasz
2014 Retroviruses
Keynote Speaker
Mary Carrington
The influence of immunogenetic variation on HIV disease
David Moore
2014 Liver Metabolism, Diseases & Cancer
Targeting CAR to Treat and Prevent Liver Cancer
Rui Costa
2014 Neural Circuit Basis of Behavior & Its Disorders
Generating and shaping novel action repertoires
Peter Donnelly
2014 Biology Of Genome
Genomic Discovery: Mechanisms of Meiotic Recombination
Nancy Moran
2014 Biology of Genome
Genomic Erosion in Symbiotic Bacteria
Hidehiko Inagaki
2014 Neuronal Circuits
Neuronal mechanism of state control in Drosophila melanogaster
Ramon Parsons
2014 PTEN Pathways & Targets
Keynote address
David Burt
2014 Avian System Models
Avian genomics a decade after the publication of the chicken genome sequence
Jacob Howard
2013 Rat Genomics & Models
How do you get rat research support in world of GWAS and whole genome sequencing in humans?
Ross Hardison
Genomics of hematopoietic gene regulation
Michel Nussenzweig
2013 Harnessing Immunity to Prevent & Treat Disease
Harnessing immunity to prevent and treat HIV infection
Hugh Reinhoff
2013 Personal Genomes & Medical Genomics
My daughter's DNA and every little thing about her?
Some thoughts on ever more available sequencing
2013 Genome Informatics
Stories from the Supplement
Eric Nestler
2013 Development, Function and Disease of Neural Circuits
New insight into the neurobiology of depression
Richard A. Young
2013 CSHA/ISSCR joint meeting on Stem Cell
Super-enhancers and the control of cell identity and disease
Jan Melom
2013 Neurobiology of Drosophila
Visualizing calcium—Insights into quantal synaptic transmission and cortex glial function
2013 Stem Cell Biology
Stem cells and pluripotency—Mechanisms of reprogramming and gene targeting in ES cells and mice
Joel Sussman
2013 Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Proteopedia—A scientific 'Wiki' bridging the rift between 3D structure and function of biomacromolecules
Leroy Hood
How systems medicine is changing healthcare
Stefan Hell
2013 New Advances in Optical Imaging of Live Cells and Organisms
Nanoscopy with focused light
Michael Brown
2013 Metabolic Signaling & Disease: From Cell to Organism
SCAP: Sensor of Membrane Cholesterol
Edmund Rolls
2013 Wiring the Brain
“On the rules of cortical wiring and function, with implications for understanding psychiatric disorders”
Hidde Ploegh
2013 Symp LXXVIII: Immunity & Tolerance
The Logic of Your Immune System
Ben Berkhout
2013 Retroviruses
Robert Farese
2013 Metabolism, Obesity and Obesity-associated Diseases
The roots of obesity—Mechanisms of lipid synthesis and storage
Warner Greene
T cell death and chronic inflammation: An unexpected link in HIV infection
Tom Rapoport
2013 Membrane Protein Structure and Function
Mechanisms of protein translocation across membranes
Reinhard Jahn
Exocytosis in neurons—Interplay between proteins and lipids
Eric Lander
2013 The Biology of Genome
Keynote Lecture
Eric Schadt
Considering the digital Universe of data to better diagnose and treat patients
Clifford Tabin
2012 CSHA/ISSCR joint meeting on Stem Cell
Gut morphogenesis—From physical forces to localization of stem cells
Maynard Olson
2012 Personal Genomes & Medical Genomics
Three cautions about personalized medicine
Retta Beery
The Beery Family Journey—A sequencing success
Carlo Croce
2012 Tumor Microenvironment
MicroRNAs can function as ligands for TLR and regulate the interactions between cancer cells and their microenviroment
2012 Differentiation Therapy and Advances in Leukemia
Causes and consequences of microRNA dysregulation in cancer
Stephan Baylin
The era of the cancer epigenome: Dissecting the biological and translational implications
Zhu Chen
Synergistic targeting therapies against oncoproteins for acute myeloid leukemia
Lucy Shaprio
2012 High Throughput Biology
An integrated 3D network controls a bacterial cell cycle
Lily Jan
2012 Ion channels: Biophysics, Diseases and Therapeutics
Recent studies of potassium channels and a novel family of calcium-activated anion channels and cation channels
Yuh-Nung Jan
Identification and studies of mechano-transduction channels in Drosophila
Adrian Bird
2012 Epigenetics & Chromatin
The dinucleotide CG as a genomic signalling module
Jennifer Doudna
2012 Regulatory & Non-Coding RNAs
Programmable RNA-guided genome defense in bacteria
Charles Sherr
2012 Mechanisms & Models of Cancer
Stefan Lohmander
2012 Bone and Cartilage: from Development to Human Diseases
Osteoarthritis —Understanding a common complex disease
John Mellors
2012 Retroviruses
Can HIV-1 be eradicated from the individual and the world?
Jonathan Stoye
Germ line retroviruses-good or bad?
Maxine Linial
40 Years in Retrovirology, a Reminiscence
Susan Wessler
2012 The Biology of Genomes
The success strategies of transposable elements that rapidly diversify genomes
2012 Epigenetics, Chromatin & Transcription
Mapping genome-wide nucleosome dynamics
John Gurdon
2012 Molecular Pathways in Organ Development & Disease
The stabilization of cell differentiation
David Lane
2012 Fishing for Answers: Zebrafish Models of Human Development and Disease
Analysis of the p53 pathway in zebrafish
Philip Ingham
Two decades of sonic hedgehog
Marie-Anne Felix
2012 Evolution of Caenorhabditis and Other Nematodes
Natural populations of Caenorhabditis and studies on apparent and cryptic phenotypic variation
Weizhe Hong
2012 Neuronal Circuits
Larry Katz Lecture
Bob Kingston
2012 Systems Biology: Global Regulation of Gene Expression
Oligodendroglial metabolism and the support of axonal intergrity
Michael Levine
Mechanisms of transcriptional precision in the Drosophila embryo